Small town ER Doc

This is the official launch of my new blog, smalltownERdoc. As you might have guessed from the title, I am an ER doctor in a small town. I have been working in small town ER’s for the past 18 years and it is amazing how many interesting stories and experiences I have had over that period of time. My goal is to share some of my thoughts and observations to try to help my readers to avoid some of the problems I have encountered over the years.

First off, let me tell you what this blog is and what it is not. It is a place for me to share information about care in the emergency department and how to best optimize your visit there. I will try to do this through examples of good encounters and bad encounters I and my colleagues have had over the years. By letting you know how ER doctors think and how things work in an ER, I can help you have a better ER experience. Hopefully, I can also save you unnecessary trips to the ER which should save you time and money.

Now, for what this blog is not. It is not a place to get cutting edge medical information. I will not really be discussing new drugs or new treatments for diseases unless they are particularly pertinent to the ER. I will try to provide some basic medical information that I expect to be helpful to everyone and if there are questions pertaining to what I have written, I will be happy to try to answer them.

I plan to try to update this blog two to three times per week so keep coming back to check out the new information available as it goes up on the site